The world’s largest civil society partnership advancing international justice

In 1995, a group of 25 human rights organizations began campaigning for a permanent international criminal court to hold individuals to account for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. And it worked. Few imagined where we would end up all these years later. 

Our vision and mission

A more peaceful world through universal access to justice for victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

We work in partnership to:

  • Advocate for all states to become party the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court;
  • Advance stronger national laws that deliver justice to victims of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide;
  • Strengthen state support for and cooperation with the ICC;
  • Ensure that the Court is fair, effective and independent;
  • Make justice visible;
  • Promote global civil society voices on international justice;
  • Build a global movement of justice advocates.
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The Coalition Secretariat and staff

The Secretariat is the hub and driving engine of our global partnership and of the major initiatives of the network, overseeing advocacy activities, the global communications strategy, and other efforts in coordination with civil society members around the world. 

The Coalition Secretariat mobilizes our global civil society network, partner organizations and institutions to ensure the effectiveness, independence, and accessibility of international justice and national legal systems, and responds to urgent local and regional developments.


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The Coalition model

Our unique Coalition model is designed to maximize the expertise and impact of our 2500 global civil society members. We share information and resources, strategize jointly, and campaign together to affect change with one strong voice.

The Coalition works closely and collaboratively with a range of different actors and entities in the international justice sphere. These actors include the organs of the ICC and ASP, as well as the broader network of governments, the UN, regional organizations, the media, and many other institutions, to advance the effectiveness, independence, and accessibility of the international justice system, and to respond to the most urgent atrocity-related developments.

Core principles 
The Coalition does not require consensus from all member organizations on every issue; we take action on core common principles in which there is widespread agreement among civil society membership.

The Coalition takes positions on key issues that impact the Rome Statute system and other strategic international justice actions. We do not take a position on specific investigations, cases before the Court, or on individual candidates for elections of judges or other officials. We serve as a resource for member organizations to develop their own positions and provide a platform to allow all voices to be heard.

Unique access and position 
The Coalition is uniquely positioned to have measurable impact on international justice issues through relationships with governments, the UN, regional organizations, the Court, and other institutions. Our work bridges the traditionally separate tracks of government diplomacy and civil society advocacy, allowing us to utilize official and other strategic connections to produce a more effective and impactful outcome. 

We utilize the power of global civil society to maximum effect, ensuring that the voices of both small and large organizations from every region have an impact on the larger landscape.

Results not credit 
We are focused on results in the fight against impunity  and encourages others to share or take ownership of successes. We act in partnership with organizations and entities around the globe to integrate international justice goals into existing and evolving structures, often working behind the scenes to ensure best practices.  

Confronting challenges 
We acknowledge the imperfections and evolving nature of current international justice efforts and seek solutions to make the system more effective, independent, and accessible.

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Coalition members

Every region of the world is represented in our global Coalition network, which includes non-governmental organizations with a wide range of expertise on human rights, victims’ issues, women and children’s rights, peace and reconciliation, and legal and justice specialties.

Coalition members include prominent international human rights and humanitarian organizations, as well as community and grassroots civil society groups working at the local, national and regional levels.

Coalition memberSHIP

Meet some Coalition members

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Regional and national networks

The success of the NGO campaign for the establishment of a fair, effective and independent International Criminal Court can be attributed in large measure to the existence of strong national and regional ICC networks all over the world.

Join a regional/national coalition

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Advisory Board

Our Coalition is provided with strategic guidance on key issues from a board of highly accomplished figures, including former international judges and a former UN secretary-general.

The Honorable Justice Richard Goldstone, Chair
Former Chief Prosecutor, International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia

The Honorable Kofi Annan, Chair Emeritus
Former Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Laureate

His Excellency Mr. Bruno Stagno Ugarte, Vice Chair
Executive Director, Security Council Report and Former Minister of Foreign Relations of Costa Rica

His Royal Highness Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Honorable Louise Arbour
President & CEO, International Crisis Group and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Honorable Lloyd Axworthy
President, University of Winnipeg and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada

Dr. Jonathan Fanton
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Visiting Fellow, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College and former President, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

Ms. Hina Jilani
Advocate, Supreme Court of Pakistan and former UN Special Representative of the Secretary -General on Human Rights Defenders

Mr. Juan E. Méndez
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Special Adviser on Crime Prevention at the ICC Office of the Prosecutor

Ms. Pam Omidyar
Founder and Board Chair, Humanity United

Mr. William R. Pace
Convenor, Coalition for the International Criminal Court from 1995–2019

Dr. Sigrid Rausing
Publisher, Granta and Founder & Chair, The Sigrid Rausing Trust

Ms. Darian Swig
President, Article 3 Advisors

Her Royal Highness Princess Mabel van Oranje
Chair, Girls Not Brides and Co-founder & Executive Chair, European Council on Foreign Relations

The Honorable Patricia Wald
Former Chief Judge for the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and Judge for the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

His Excellency Mr. Christian Wenaweser
Permanent Representative of the Principality of Liechtenstein to the United Nations

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Our supporters

Our work would not be possible without contributions from governments, foundations and private donors all over the world.

Learn more about our supporters and donating to our cause.

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Libya: The importance of deterrence and the ICC's role in current violations


ASP 2017: Loose ends and reflections


Historic activation of jurisdiction over crime of aggression at International Criminal Court


#GlobalJustice Weekly: Six new ICC judges | Will Crime of Aggression be activated? | ICC preliminary examinations update 2017


ASP 2017: Seize historic chance to end era of impunity with ICC


ASP 2017: State cooperation crucial for an effective ICC


ASP 2017: Give high-level political support to ICC


Talking justice at the UN General Assembly


Election of budget experts key to independence of ICC


ASP Committee: All 12 ICC judicial candidates pass the test - "six are particularly well qualified"


Libya: The importance of deterrence and the ICC's role in current violations


ASP 2017: Loose ends and reflections


Historic activation of jurisdiction over crime of aggression at International Criminal Court


#GlobalJustice Weekly: Six new ICC judges | Will Crime of Aggression be activated? | ICC preliminary examinations update 2017


ASP 2017: Seize historic chance to end era of impunity with ICC


ASP 2017: State cooperation crucial for an effective ICC


ASP 2017: Give high-level political support to ICC


Talking justice at the UN General Assembly


Election of budget experts key to independence of ICC


ASP Committee: All 12 ICC judicial candidates pass the test - "six are particularly well qualified"